Tell me what you think....

So I am now 12w5d.... Me and my partner planned this bby for 13months... 1 week after seeing our baby for the 1st time he left me and days after that he started dating this new woman he met on facebook (29 & 2kids). 2-3 days into them talking i approached her on facebook asking her if they were talking and letting her know i am pregnant by him. (She told me she didnt have to answer me bc her life is private, she would never date a man lile him who has a mad woman at his side like me, she congratulated me on my baby and told me she hopes i solve my problems then she blocked me and the next day she posted a heart on one of his pictures) so clearly theyre talking lol.. And he has already cut me completely off for her(changed his number, calls me private when he feels like talking to me, only responds to me through email when he feels like it, wont even have the decency to be friends with me for our baby, talks as if he cares and is sorry but its fake bc he still remains with the woman) and i have never done anything but love and care for him..

So I have been spending this past month hurting inside and fighting everyday to forget about him and what has happened for the sake of myself and our baby.. but the thought of him planning our baby with me then leaving me pregnant only to turn to another woman he just met and start treating her with the love and respect he should be giving me is still in my mind everyday and night... All of the future planning and thoughts i had set in my head, Its like i cant erase it no matter how hard i try, how busy i make myself, how many family or friends i surround myself by, how many times i cry out to God and pray..... The thought of him and what is happeneing is still here. And believe me when i say i am beyond ready to forget and move on bc this pain & heartbreak is a feeling i would never wish on my worse enemy.!

So the woman by the way is aware of me being pregnant and (after have speaking to me again on facebook saying how she wants to talk the right way in person and not with me wanting to fight her, how she just knows he wants to be with her and she wants to know the truth for the sake of her and her kids lives.) when she seen me she had the audacity to smile and wave to me and laugh as if she thinks it is funny what is happening to me.. When i say i never wanted to kill someone so bad in my life!...... Got to my soul so quick.. I wanted to destroy her right then and there.! I know where she stays. She actually happens to stay literally 8 blocks from me. And i have stopped myself from going to her house because i do not want to catch a case or do something i know i will only regret. I have never been the drama type of woman but i promise ppl can truly bring out the worse side of you.!

But so he is however illegal and I have made a previous post and majority of the woman said report him for the dirt i have on him and get him deported since he chooses to hurt me this way. Only a few ppl (maybe less than 5) said to let go and let God handle them. And that is what i have been trying to do these past few weeks. Because that is the type of person i truly am. But when i say i do not know how to overcome this yall.... I have never felt so emotional or like something is eating me up and destroying me inside and slowly breaking me apart. I am tired of being the only one hurt and suffering while they live happily together knowing im hurting & suffering pregnant, Out of know where i start crying even when im in public places, seeing couples or pregnant women, passing by places we use to go to together, driving hoping not to run into them, having dreams about it..

I feel like to get him in trouble would make me happy and i would feel better knowing they're not together and i can see her and laugh back in her face. I feel like if i get him in trouble and he does get deported i can live happy again knowing he is somewhere far away not walking the same streets as me and suffering at the thought of hurting me and betraying me like this while i carry our baby. My only concern is.. Do you think God will be mad with me if i do get him sent back to his country.? Will only bad things start to come my way for trying to free my mind and get my happiness back.?

I just want to feel happy again and do whatever i feel it takes to help ease my pain and mind and not lose my baby. I have been trying everything else in my power ( staying busy, taking care of responsibilities, talking & spending time with family & friends, praying, reading my Bible, listening to gospel music, trying to go out and enjoy time with friends) i have been trying everything but the thought of whats happened is still right there.

He has told me there is already a written report on me for showing up to her house. I do not know if its true or not but I still have not report him for anything wrong he has done. And i have proof of everything i have on him. I want to only go about things the right way but each day is only getting worse and i feel like anger, hurt & frustration is building inside of me and i do not want to do anything out of anger bc i know only something bad will come out of it. I want to let go and move on and erase all of this from my head but its all just on my mind as if it just happened yesterday. I feel like i am being tortured inside and the only one suffering.....

What do you think about me reporting him?

& What do you think about the response I will get from God?... I only want to help destroy what is happening so my mind can be freed from this pain and torture.