Too soon?


So i met someone, i have been not with my ex in almost 2 months and i met someone. I'm 22. He's 14 years older, has 2 kids, he's nice and just everything I could want in someone. We kept running into eachother by chance and we really hit it off. Well my life blew up and i moved back home with my parents 10 hours away. I told my mom about him and right off the bat she's telling me i cant see him, he wants to visit me and my son for a weekend. She is so against me talking to him. He and I have so much in common, we both want the same things out of life.

He let me know my son and I can move in with him and his daughters. His house is large enough that everyone would have their own space. I really want to. I met him in December of 2016, and we didnt start talking romantically until a few weeks ago. What do you ladies think? Am i crazy for entertaining this idea? I just know that if i do this, my mom will freak. My son is 9 months and she doesnt think this guy is good enough simply because of his job. He also lives in my home town where my family and friends are...