what would you do?

This girl was with a guy for 2 years (when She was a teenager) 
(so in love, her first love) and she got pregnant. when she told him, he told her that he doesn't know what to tell her because he's going through a lot. The next day he calls her and says he has something to tell her.
He tells her that there's another girl pregnant as well.
Besides being at risk for possible stds etc...
What would you do? How would you feel? 
P.s. - this actually happened to me.. and I chose not to keep that child but the girl did. 
Yes I got tested and yes I was fine and this happened 8 years ago. I was very angry and bitter for a looooong time. I've learned so much and have grown so much as a woman and have also met the love of my life and we are expecting our first child.  Just wondering how every other woman would have handled this?