Husband doesn't want my mom in delivery room...

Michaela • I'm 25, Married, PCOS, Two angle babies, Delivered our twins 7/25/17 at 24 weeks and they are perfect 💙💙

Sorry this is so long, it's kind of a vent/need advice..

I'm 13 weeks with twins, first pregnancy that's made it this far and is healthy. Me and my husband were talking about things we want and don't want when it's time for the babies to come. I told him I wanted him (of course) and my mom in the delivery room. You would have thought I asked for my ex boyfriend to be in the room or something crazy like that...

I understand and respect the fact that he wants it to be just me and him, but I also want my mom in there with me for support. This will be my first time giving birth, I'm super nervous and scared of course, even more so that it's twins. I feel as though my mom having experienced birth already 3 times she will be able to keep me calmer and focused. My husband will for sure be supportive, but I also don't know how well he will do with all that will go on. I also told him I'd like for her to be there since there are two babies I'd like for there to be two people I trust that can stay one with each baby while the docs are doing what they need to do while I'm still laying there...

He's still so set on it being just him and I don't know how else to get him to understand why it's so important to me. I just got upset and started crying. Now I'm just overreacting and hormonal apparently.