ten weeks and hate my pregnancy?

I'm ten weeks and 4 days, and I have hated this pregnancy since I was 4 weeks. I hate how I'm developing itchy painful patches of acne, my clothes don't fit, my skin is dry and ashy, I hate that I can't sleep from nightmare, I can't walk without getting Charlie Horses, my feet swell up, any bra including maternity bras just cause me pain, my back is in so much pain I can't stand, sit, or lay down. I'm so done I get into these stages of depression where I literally just want to die. I don't want to abort this baby and I actually do love this baby. But I'm only in my first trimester and I already want this pregnancy over. Some of it is because I don't have any real support from the father, he's there but he's not, and everyday it's a new fight with him, it's his and then it's not. I just don't know way to do anymore, I want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy, but hell all I want is this baby out of me. And I feel terrible just saying it. Any suggestions on what I can do? Or what's going on to cause this??