ten weeks and hate my pregnancy?

I'm ten weeks and 4 days, and I have hated this pregnancy since I was 4 weeks. I hate how I'm developing itchy painful patches of acne, my clothes don't fit, my skin is dry and ashy, I hate that I can't sleep from nightmare, I can't walk without getting Charlie Horses, my feet swell up, any bra including maternity bras just cause me pain, my back is in so much pain I can't stand, sit, or lay down. I'm so done I get into these stages of depression where I literally just want to die. I don't want to abort this baby and I actually do love this baby. But I'm only in my first trimester and I already want this pregnancy over. Some of it is because I don't have any real support from the father, he's there but he's not, and everyday it's a new fight with him, it's his and then it's not. I just don't know way to do anymore, I want to be able to enjoy my pregnancy, but hell all I want is this baby out of me. And I feel terrible just saying it. Any suggestions on what I can do? Or what's going on to cause this??
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Posted at
My pregnancy hasn't been bad but I understand the nightmares portion- I'm a rape survivor and my nightmares have been graphic and triggering. It's almost unbearable . This has happened since the assaults and isWorse at times . I've been having flashbacks and anxiety during the night and day . So I've been seeing my trauma counsellor more frequently and Attempting to use my skills toCalm myself . It's not easy . pregnancy and hormones along with changes in body can trigger more ptsd symptoms sometimes . It gets better. As for you're physical symptoms I'm sure that will get better just be gentle with yourself your feelings are valid 


Posted at
I'm so sorry momma. I know it's difficult now, thankfully come the second trimester some of those symptoms should let up. If they don't, talk to your doctor and see if there's any tips they have to relieve some of the intensity. I know that's not much of a help but, I know for me I started to feel somewhat like myself once my second trimester started (last week). Yoga can help keep your stress level down and drinking approved teas helps too. I relate with the nightmares they SUCK- and it's so hard to fall asleep I try some breathing exercises and sometimes it helps sometimes not but it's worth trying. Try watching some documentaries or series about pregnancy and developing baby to help excite you and let you look forward to the blessing that's coming. It's going to be okay momma, try to hang in there you will definitely feel better once baby comes. That's what I tell myself and it helps me look forward to better days ❤️


N • May 10, 2017
Nobody's perfect and shame on anyone if they make you feel inadequate. We all reach points of depression/anxiety/fear and it's normal ! But definitely don't stay there. U gotta focus on yourself and baby now❤️. Praying for you lady


N • May 10, 2017
Control, but there's definitely natural ways to work towards it. So definitely consult with your doctor, try some yoga/meditation/prayer, light some candles, read to get your mind off of it and focus on the positive as much as possible. Definitely easier said than done, but don't beat yourself up


N • May 10, 2017
I totally understand girl. I was in the same position. I have a lot of unresolved trauma from sexual abuse in the past and although I'm healed in the sense that I have a healthy sexual relationship with my SO, and I trust him completely, my anxiety has always been something I've had to work hard to