how to deal with screaming toddler in apartment

We moved into an apartment building where you can literally hear your neighbors talking and their tvs, footsteps, everything. I have a one year old daughter. For some reason, she's going through some stage where she just throws tantrum after tantrum. Well today, she refused to go to bed at bedtime so I left her in her crib. She didn't make much noise for about 2 hours so I went in to check on her and it looked like she was half asleep.. big mistake! She seen me and ever since has been crying. That was hours ago. It's now 1 am, she is currently SCREAMING her head off. She will not sleep, I have tried juice, milk, food, cuddles, music, just holding her, I even tried putting her down and letting her play. Nope, nothing. She's not sick, she doesn't seem to be in pain. It's not a pain cry. She's been doing this every night. But tonight is the longest she stayed up. 
How do I get through this? I am just trying to calm her down so our neighbors can sleep. The people above us have work early in the morning and have two 6 year olds that are now being awoken and the people beside us have 3 small children that are being disturbed as well. I know she's not sick because she's fine all day but the moment it gets to be bedtime, bam, she's done.
I even tried adjusting her bedtime but it doesn't work. My husband works midnights so he isn't here and I have to get up in 4 hours. She is going to be horrible tomorrow, she's not going to get any sleep, she refuses to take naps. I'm just lost.