Ectopic Nightmare

On May 2 at 8:00 pm, at 7 weeks and 4 days, my worst nightmare came true. I started bleeding. 
I tried to remain calm, because I know some women bleed while pregnant, but after an hour of it getting worse and worse, I went to the emergency room. After blood work and an ultrasound, they finally told me the dreaded news that I had an ectopic pregnancy. I've never been so shattered in all my life. It's only been just over a week, and I'm having a bad day. I cried for several days straight, then finally was able to calm down, and today I'm sad again. I'm ok, just having all the thoughts of what could and should have been. 
Who can chat with me on their experience with miscarriage, especially ectopic? I was lucky enough to only have to get the methotrexate and avoid surgery. I bled for a week exactly, and I'm waiting til Monday to get the results back on my hcg levels. I'm hoping my levels go down quickly so my husband and I can begin the process of trying again.