Does it annoy you when people rudely stare at you and your partner?

It annoys me. Especially when its,a white female/ black male couple. Like there will be 4 ww/bm couples in the restaurant, however EVERyone will rudely stare at us like we are aliens. They will not even try to hide it. They will stare for a good 10 minutes straight. I am always annoyed because I think " aren't you in a interracial relationship, why are you rudely staring at us?" anyone experience this??? We are a black female/ white male couple. This usually happens in the not so good parts of town. ( not,trying to be mean but it's true) ....When we are in upper scale areas no one turns their head. I have been with my partner for years but I am still annoyed a little by the stares. This is part,of reason I prefer the upscale parts....less people rudely staring. Anyone experience this????

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