Spotting at 5 weeks

Is it normal to have spotting at 5 weeks? I'm not having any cramps or anything. I was cleaning and doing alot of squatting and lifting stuff yesterday and noticed when I went pee that I had some spotting. Not anything bad, but a few streaks of red blood, kind of like when you scratch a vessel in your nose (no, I dont pick my nose) and it bleeds just a tiny bit and you blow your nose and there's a few "strings" of blood in your snot. (Sorry only way I know how to explain it) It lightened up last night and stopped but when I got,up this morning I had a more pinkish discharge and then the same occasional red streaks. Now I'm having nothing (as it comes and goes) but is this normal? Should I be concerned? I havent told my SO that I'm oreg, he just knows I'm 2 weeks late and kept getting negative results. (I finally got a light positive Saturday, so haven't said anything until,I get a darker result)