TRUTH!! It is horrible what people do to each other...

When I was 20, I thought that the worst thing a person could do to another was just talk badly about them. But I was so wrong. 
I never realized how horrible people can be to each other. I usually hide away at home. Closed off from most of the world. And EVERY SINGLE time I start to venture out of my safe haven, something happens. 
I'm done. I'm soooo tired. 
I get getting upset at another person. I get that. But to deliberately try to hurt them, deliberately try to ruin anything about them, that's what makes a horrible human being. 
If this is how society is, how parents have raised their children to be, I don't want to be a part of it any more. 
Whoever is reading this, remember this the next time you get mad at someone and want to ruin any or all of them. Eventually the anger will go away. The guilt will set in. Karma will come back with a giant slap in the face and hurt you more than they ever will. It's not worth it, no matter what they did to you. 
And for now, again, I will hide away like I always do. Rest and reset. And maybe when I decide to go out and meet the world again, people will have decided to be good to each other instead of hurting each other.