bleeding in first trimester HELP!

Help needed! 
I'm meant to be 7+5 days pregnant and a week ago (after DH and I had sex) I started spotting. It started off pink but as the day went on it went brown. I went for an early scan on Wednesday this week so I should have been 7+2 but the sonographer measured 6+ weeks. There was a gestational sac, egg sac and feet all pole but no heartbeat could be seen at that stage. The nurses don't seem that concerned about it but I am as I had a missed miscarriage last year with a D&C and this is my rainbow baby. Anyway, the blood continued Monday but stopped completely Tuesday. Wednesday morning (first toilet trip) there was bright red blood when I wiped and quite a lot of it but then nothing more all day until after the scan. I bled after the scan again, it was as though they had irratated something. It stopped Thursday but then have bled first thing in the morning on Friday and today. The blood has only been when I've wiped and then it tapers off. It's never enough to fill a sanitary towel. 
It's only ever on the toilet paper when I've been to the toilet. I'm so confused as to what is happening, they've booked me back in for a scan in two weeks time. I haven't had any pains as such or any clots. The pains are like small shooting pains in my vagina and nothing like period pains/cramps. Am I miscarrying?