Bed rest depression. 😐

Bree • Bree ❤️ 28. Peds Nurse 💉 my micropreemie came 12 weeks early 💙💙
A few months ago if someone told me I would be on bed rest starting at 24 weeks I might have jumped for joy. Back then the thought of not having to work sounded amazing. Due to a subchorionic hematoma that just won't heal I am going on my 3rd week of being able to do nothing but get up to pee. My husband works so I'm home alone most of the day unless I get a visitor or my gma comes over. I see the beautiful days outside (I live in San Diego a mile from the beach) and I can't even go out and enjoy it. I'm on the second floor and the last time I went down the stairs for enjoyment my hematoma started bleeding out. My mom was going to come get me today so I could bed rest in her backyard but I guess she forgot and headed to the beach. I'm sick of tv. I started a book but always get distracted or get interrupted with a phone call or text. I really just wanna cry. Being stuck alone in a dark apartment all day everyday is really getting to me. 😥