I had 2 miscarriages a first and a second miscarriage after the second miscarriage I did a abdominal...

I had 2 miscarriages a first and a second miscarriage after the second miscarriage I did a abdominal laproscopic cerclage I was diagnosed with incompetent cervix this all occurred in 2014. I just got serious about trying to get pregnant about 8mths now I took clomid 50mg a few times but then my doctor increased it to a 100mg just last month along with metformin and after my period being 5 days late I just got the courage to take a pregnancy test and it's positive I'm elated my first reaction was to immediately lift my hands and pray for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby at 36 years old and all I've been thru I just want that don't care what sex the baby is....