In my feelings..

No one tells you how completely alone you'll feel during pregnancy. It's a hard concept to come to terms with when so many people are happy for you and checking on you. But you feel really isolated. No one can understand how down you get about all the changes your body goes through. No one understands how, when you're feeling so low, you feel like you need to keep it to yourself because people will just blame it on the hormones. There's a constant voice nagging you; "what if I'm not going to be a good enough mom?" "how's my relationship going to change? will we fight more? will he still be able to call me beautiful once the baby is here and I'm left looking like a completely different person than who he started dating?" I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. All of this means i get to bring our son into the world. It just gets so hard sometimes to not feel so alone.