post about vaccines..

For the record, I am NOT anti-vax. I will vaccinate my children. 
I came across this on a facebook post and I thought it was interesting to share here and get thoughts... i wont lie, it made me think a bit about it. 
When children who have HIV, Hep B, or Tuberculosis can attend school without disclosing their diseases because they are protected by the constitution, but healthy, vaccine-free children cannot attend school with no disease because they aren't vaccinated. 
When kids in school taking cabinets full of pharmaceuticals is normal, but healthy, vaccine free/disease free/medication free children cannot come to school. 
When it's ok for a child to take Prozac but not drink a Kombucha  with his lunch. 
When all the vaccinated kids have chicken pox, but none of the non-vaccinated children are sick, but they get sent home. 
When they keep mandating more and more vaccines and outbreaks increase, and yet it's still the non vaccinateds' fault. 
When you hear people argue for women's rights, unless those rights include choosing proper Heath care for her children. 
When it's cool to March against Monsanto because glyphosate is a carcinogen, but it's perfectly ok that it is in vaccines. 
When vegans won't eat meat cause it's cruel, but it's all good that vaccines contain animal DNA. 
When Christianity won't support abortion, but justify aborted fetal cells in vaccines. 
When it's considered poison anywhere else on the planet unless it's in a vaccine. 
When people actually believe their vaccine won't work unless 98% of other people also get their vaccine. 
When nothing makes sense at all, you know you are living in a completely brainwashed, corporate run society.
By Landee Crier