
Hi guys! I'm 19 and I kind of have an issue. In February, I had sex with a guy and the condom broke. I never thought to get tested just because it didn't cross my mind around then. But one day in one of my classes, we started talking about std's and I started freaking myself out. Lately I have been getting pelvic pain here and there and it seems to hurt the more I think about it. I'm on birth control and I'm supposed to get my period in a week, so it could also be that. Everything else seems normal. I have a regular physical this coming up Tuesday and I'm nervous to bring it up because I don't want my mom to know or find out. Is it possible to get tested and get antibiotics if I do have something? I know it's important to get checked, but is it possible to get tested and get antibiotics without my parents knowing? Has anyone been in this situation before and can give me advice-symptoms you've had, prices, etc? Any advice is greatly appreciated!!