contraception advice

Hello! I'm currently on the pill and have been since September 2015. Recently my boyfriend and I split and one the issues was how 'moody' i would be (this is my opinion anyway, not beating myself up over it so it's cool). I went through a diary I had written in 2015 and lucky I logged in the first few months of the pill. I noticed how 'sad' I was and a lot moodier. 
So conclusion: my pill makes me moody and upset. Which has also been scientifically proven as we all know. 
What I like about my pill is that my periods only occur every 2 months, more time not on my period is always nicer. 
So my issue is that I kind of want to change my contraception but would like something that means I won't get regular periods, and less moodiness. As it has changed me a lot as a person, and it's quite sad. 
Researching has led me to bealive that perhaps the coil is the best method to go for. 
I was just wondering what everyone's opinion is. I'm from the UK and use the NHS (free healthcare) so I'm unsure if it's limited? 
Thank you xx