RANT 😡😡😡

I am so beyond mad rn. I went BACK to the ER because I ran out of pain medicine and I had 2-3 day till a dr apt.
 They gave me a prescription for morphine That I couldn't get filled anywhere without a few day notice (I need them now I will not need them in 3-4 days from now)!! 
So we went back -.- they then gave me a prescription for hydro/acetaminophen. It doesn't help my pain at all. 
Only to find out they didn't consult a OB about me taking this, fully knowing I'm 25 weeks pregnant, and there where literally 3 other pain medicines they KNOW work and are safe for me to take.    
They did not listen to me when I told them the painkillers that my OB and urologist had agreed on that would control the pain and be safe for me and my baby until this infection and kidney stent issue is resolved. 
 am I being ridiculous?!?! 
Let me edit this since I seem to have left info out. 
1. No I didn't go to the ER to have my prescription filled I went to have a prescription written and without it I would be in the ER for Another full week, due to the pain. 
2. The pain causes severe cramps, I can't leave the couch and I spend all day crying because I'm in so much pain. I am peeing blood and blood clots. Then the whole situation causes a fever and I end up back in the ER and they keep me for a few days to get things back under control and monitoring my baby because my baby's heartbeat goes wayyyy up when I'm in pain because my body panics.
EDIT!!! Since Cathy here decided to tear me apart like a rabid dog! 
I called the dr office one day because I was going to run out, they said they couldn't fill it until I had run out to prevent any abuse. I then tried to get it the next day the dr was out of office. AND THEY DONT DO ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTIONS because it's a narcotic drug.