Puerto Rico 7 weeks before due date?

Nabi • Mom of 2: girl born in 2015 and boy in 2019
I was invited to present at a conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and I would love to go, but it's 7 weeks before my due date and I'm having a hard time making up my mind. I'm generally the adventurous type when it comes to traveling, and I have already gone longer distances than this since I got pregnant. I'm also not afraid of catching anything because I have done fine in other foreign countries by just being careful. I asked my doctor and she said I could most likely go - but of course they won't be able to give me an official go and write me a letter until shortly before. But even though everything looks good, I am getting second thoughts, and the thought of going into labor keeps crossing my mind. How likely might it be that my baby could come 7 weeks early and surprise me while I am there - without my doctor seeing any indication when she clears me days before? And would American health insurance include Puerto Rico if something were to happen? Just curious if anyone has any insights. Thanks!