why do i feel like this.

i dont want to be the girl that put something about my problems here but I feel more comfortable talking here. I know you guys are supportive! 
I feel alone. I dont know why i feel like this. 
Im married so i have my husband and i always want to be with him (yeah thats normal right?) i feel the way i feel isnt normal i cant really be away from him i get anxiety when hes away from me amd i get really lonely, i always joke around and say its "daddy issues" since i grew up without a dad and i guess i get separation anxiety or something. 
I dont have friends i hang out with or talk to about things, i was home schooled for 2 years in high school and went back to reagular school my senior year, i was already really shy before i was home schooled but i did have couple of friends but when i went back to school everything was diffremt i didnt really know any one, i dint have friends so i felt really lonely at school and my anxiety kicked in there.
 Now im 21, and my husband is the only friend i have but my husband does have friend, friends he had since high school so he goes and hangs out with them and he txts them and all that, and since i dont have that i get so jealous that i cant have that experience, and it gets me extra lonely because he goes and hamgs out with them and aince its just guys he doesnt let me go. So i just sit here thinking and feel alone getting anxiety because im not with him. I just want him with me at all times so i dont feel this way but i understand its not right for me to act like this, he doesn't need to be with me all the time he needs to have time alone without me have fun with his friends.
I just cant help feeling alone! Idk if i need help or talk to someone try to figure this out and see if they way i feel might go deeper and it might be aomething else. 
I DONT WANT TO FEEL ALONE! Its horrible i feel like crying all the time.
I know i kinda went all over the place with this post 🙈 just needed to let it out, dont know if i make sence *ops.
 ive never told anyone how i feel so it feels good to let things out. 
Thanks for taking the time to read this❤