Need financial advice. Not fertility related 🤔 just life in general

So I need advice. I currently have a car payment that is $545.00 a month and additional insurance of $370.00 a month. It's a luxury 2016 luxury car but now I'm thinking of trading it in for something cheaper because I'm not able to save money as I did when I didn't have a car payment. I know this may seem like a stupid question. But to be honest with you I'm not even driving the car my husband currently is and we have a baby on the way. To me the logical thing to do would be to trade it in for something cheaper, but my DH has been convincing me that we can afford it, I think because what i want to get would be something non luxury which I love because I realize I really hate leather seats. What would you do would you trade it in for something cheaper non luxury or just keep it and try and make it work. Honestly if I did return the car I feel I would have a lot more wiggle room with savings and money. A small portion of me thinks how it would look to go from a luxury to a regular car but a larger portion JUST DOESN'T GIVE A DAMN😋. But honestly what would you guys do?