
I always get confused by having pregnancy symptoms every month. This month seems a little more and I'm trying to be hopeful but at the same time I just have a feeling the rest will be negative again. We have been ttc for over 2 years now and still no luck. We found out his gout and gout medicines are really hurting our chances. We have both been on fertility pills for about a month now. He hasn't been on gout medicine for several months in advance to this and the fertility pills are causing his gout to flare and stay that way. He eats a healthy diet and they said his gout is heredity. My last period of it was even that really was so light I didn't actually bleed to the point I needed a pad. The color was mostly brownish with only a tiny tiny amount of bright red. I cramped so bad which is not normal. It was a day late and I normally only have a period for 4-5 days but that seemed like it was around 6 days before I noticed it had stopped completely. I've cramped a lot since then and it's mostly on my right side lower abdomen. My nipple have been sore and tender. Not sure if they are any darker or not I always think they could be but never sure. I've been dizzy a lot since this last weekend. I drink a lot of water and haven't had any bp issues. Occasional queasiness till last night/this morning. I spent about a hour or more in bathroom sick. I'm afraid to read to much into this since it could always be something going around. I tried to predict my due date to see when the best time would be to take a test and it said the 26th so 2 more days. I took one a few weeks ago after the light spotting and it was negative. Just cross your fingers this will finally be our time. I think any of my other symptoms are really normal. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not?