Nuvaring: cramping after messing up bc schedule


2 months ago (march) I messed up reading the calendar and accidently took my ring out a week early. Period as normal.

The following month (April) I had a thing going on the week my period was due so I left it in an extra week. Period on time, light and 1-2 days shorter than normal.

Ever since then I've been cramping randomly throughout this month whole month - too long for it to be ovulation cramps(?) I get sometimes. Compared to period cramps (since being on bc) I'd rate them light to moderate and they'll either be dull and achy or very sudden out of nowhere and go away after a few minutes. I was having otherwise unprotected sex during this time.

I understand that messing with the routine screws up my cycle bit is this normal? Has anyone else had something like this happen? I have a routine OBGYN appointment next week and don't want to sound stupid