BD day ruined!!!

So today starts our fertile window, I was trying not to ruin our moods for this week or at least until the fertile period was over and then BOOM somethinf happened. 
So me and my husband work for the same company, I know it's not easy to work side by side with your spouse but if you've gotta pay the bills and survive, you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways so far we've been doing pretty good working together for years, but today my husband says I love you to another female co-worker in front of me. She didn't take it seriously and he didn't think it was awkward but for me it was meant something else. I know they never flirt and do not have anything between them, they joke and it's pretty casual but the more I thought about what he said and the way (tone) he said in a joking manner just like when he goofs around with me bothered me so much that it ruined my whole day. I didn't eat lunch, I came home and went straight to bed and don't talk to my husband at all, not even a word. I know there's nothing between them, & whatever my husband said didn't mean anything but I just didn't like how it came out unexpectedly and also at work environment which I thought was very unprofessional. It made me feel like he has less respect for me and do not care about my feelings. How can a husband say I love you to another female coworker right in front of his wife's face? I don't want to teach him about how one should act at work but it's bothering me so doesn't look like I'm going to be able to let it go and move on...arghgghhhhhhh