Any tips or advice !

So my MIL is making me a baby shower , and well she knows my parents but the rest of my husbands family doesn't know my parents (plus sister and uncle) 
So when it comes to the baby shower 
I mean obviously introduce them but Im the shy type and I don't like doing things like that i'd rather people introduce themselves but I don't want my parents feeling left out when all my husbands family is greeting me and maybe not them. 
Usually when they have parties my parents never go. at parties my husband is always with me and he tells me " lets go say hi to such and such " so we go together and talk, ne never leaves my side and I feel like since im so used to him being only with me if he runs off i'll most likely be in a bad mood! 
And I feel like since my family is going I'm stuck being at the table the whole time with them 
Also , idk if many races do this but well were mexican (not being racist) but the whole playing baby shower games yeah I dont wanna play and also the whole opening the presents amd showing them i'd rather not. My husbands cousins gf had a baby shower and they did not have games or did she open presents she just took them all home when everyone left and thats what I wanna do but knowing my parents and his theyre gonna want me to open them there . 
any advice on how to act or reassurance that things are not as bad as they seem ?