Bump! BFP!

On the day I expected my period, it didn't come.  The next day, it didn't come.  The same thing happened to me on the prior month where I was late and then three days of waiting, it finally started and I was bummed out.  So, I stopped trying.  After 6 months postpartum, I figured my body just wasn't ready to conceive the next baby quite yet. This month, day three late and still no period.  I tested once.  BFP!  I tested again two days later with a different type of test, and another BFP!  It's official!  We are so very excited the kiddos are going to be close in age, but it's so early to tell the rest of the family so I had to share today! 😋😋😋. I also bring this up because while TTC, it can be so frustrating and exciting all at the same time.  Some times we psyche ourselves out and it happens during a time we aren't thinking of it at all.  BUT, I always kept a good log of everything so predictions could be on point and made sure to really eat, sleep, drink well!