Different Dentist?

I am a FTM and have no one to ask. But here's what happened. I made an appt for my 11 month old daughter who has 7 teeth. We arrived at the dentist and waited 30 minutes before one of the assistants told us the dentist had an emergency and would be a while. Long story short, my lo was getting restless and I asked the receptionist if I could reschedule. She had the nerve to say, "technically you don't have to bring her in until she's 3/4 years old. Because right now she's too young and she has no teeth." I told my daughter to smile and asked, What are those? She has 7." She was like omg she has a lot of teeth!!! I was like yeah that's why I'm here. She was like well she is still too tiny. There's nothing we can do but look in her mouth. and she's too young for the X-rays which tell us a lot. There's nothing we can really do so just bring her back when she's older. 
I've had a lot of friends take their lo to the dentist at 6 months. Should I look for another dentist or wait until she's 3/4? What is the recommended age for a child dentist appt?