Please don't use infertile women as an example

Bee • Mommy™️, mother of two, fiancée, Baby 3 due 6/8, its a girl! 💗💗💗
I see this all the time
"There are women who can't or struggle to get pregnant/carry/etc and so you should be happy regardless of whatever is happening to you and you aren't allowed to feel this way or that way."
This really isn't a fair thing to do. You shouldn't be invalidating someone's feelings in the first place, but you really shouldn't use other women and their personal struggle to do it either. 
For example, someone who feels gender disappointment. You can't tell them not to feel that because "some women can't have babies at all." That's really kind of disrespectful.
And as a woman that's struggled to carry on 6 occasions, even I'm feeling gender disappointment on what my first born is. After all these failed pregnancies I really wanted a girl. I may never carry again, and I'm having a boy. We have feelings like this too, and it's normal to have them. 
All I'm trying to say is even infertile women or women who struggle in general are human, we aren't desperate horrible women that would curse the name of someone who's feeling a normal pregnancy emotion, and it's not right to take our struggles and use it as an example to invalidate others.