My due date was May 27th 2017

My due date was May 27th 2017. 
She was born today May 27th, 2017 7:11. 
8.53 oz and 21 inches long💜
My love bug Alayna Kay.
Lost my mucous plug Wednesday, my water broke Friday at 9:12. 
I planned for a natural home birth and this is my First baby. 
I labored at home for 11 hours and dilated to 7 cm.
Only to find out my cervix was swollen and  was not progressing with my contractions intensity. 
My midwife suggested we transport to hospital. At 8 AM
By the time we got to the hospital (15 min) , my cervix had shrunk from 7 to 5 cm.
I was dying for epidural. 
As soon as the resident doc came in she suggested pictocin. I refused trusting my body to dilate for me. 
I went from 5, to 7/8, to 9, then 10 at 4 pm.
Doc also suggested we start pushing, I waited for my body to tell me when. Around 5 I started laboring down as I felt the baby pushing down with each contraction.
I trusted my body and my baby came out vaginally and completely healthy.
She also latched on immediately. 
I'm so in love and would do it all over again for her💜💜💜💜