what to do during stomach bugs?

I don't know about you ladies but my stomach has been pretty sensitive over the course of pregnancy. I tolerated pre natals up until the second trimester but since then it has been touch and go. I'm overall a healthy eater but sometimes I worry if I'm giving my baby enough. Today I had a toasted bagel with peanut butter for breakfast, an angus burger grilled from home for lunch, watermelon, beet juice, and a scoop of gelato.
 I was about to eat dinner (fish and veggies) but my stomach started cramping up really bad. What do you ladies eat when you can't/don't feel like eating? If it was just me I would hold out till morning but I feel like I have to give my little one something. I'm going to try and have some chicken soup. What other remedies do you use? I was maybe thinking of getting some pedialyte too.