How did you overcome anxiety?

I've had an anxiety disorder and not being able to leave my house for 2 years, i had already been seeing a psychiatrist who would come to my house every week, i was prescribed a few medications but none of that helped me at all! i have a boyfriend (we've been dating for 5 years), and during that time he would come to my house everyday and get me things i need etc, but around christmas and new years i had found out my boyfriend cheated on me, now i had already been feeling suicidal. i was absolutely heartbroken!! now at that moment i was so close to succeeding! but for some reason i just couldnt so i ended up getting in the car and going to the hospital . leaving my house was one of the hardest challenges i had to face in my life and honestly if my bf never cheated on me i still wouldve been stuck in my house! sometimes you just gotta get knocked down then pick yourself back up ( i hope you know what i mean, it sounded so much better in my head) now to all those who are struggling with anxiety or depression, my advice isnt "oh tell your partner or someone you care to hurt you" no no thats not what im saying at all, im just telling my long story short. so if you're reading this and your srtuggling mentally, YOU are stong! YOU can get through this! YOU WILL get through this! you may think you dont have the strength etc (i felt like this like a year ago) but YOU DO have the strength! YOU ARE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING SO PLS STAY STRONG!!! thing will get better i promise!! pls feel free to message me or anything im here for anyone!!! ❤❤❤❤