Worst veggie mom fear come true

So any of my fellow veggies who are expecting experience cravings for meat. I'm a little over 3.5months pregnant and the meat cravings have started, now this leaves me conflicted because I've been a veggie for a good 3-4years now, but being pregnant so much of the food I used to replace the nutrients in meat I can no longer even think about without getting sick, I'm worried because if I don't find something I can stomach my babys missing out on necessary nutrients and this craving for meat has me thinking maybe its best if I do eat meat while pregnant at least because I'm not providing any of the nutrients I'm taking away by not eating meat, but my issue is I stopped eating meat because it makes me sad and I cry and i cringe at the thought of their flesh and blood and the killing process. So like just craving meat has my soul hurting and the fact I might have to suck it up for the baby isn't helping, I've tried protein shakes and the ensure drinks I can't stomach those either so I'm at a loss here.