help!! are these contractions?!

I'm 36 weeks today. I lost my mucus plug 3 days ago - like a huge glob that filled up the palm of my hand. The next day I started losing mucus with brown blood and have been losing that ever since. On Sunday, I started having period like cramps. I was able to go about my day so I ignored them. Yesterday, Monday, I had the same cramps, a little more intense, but they were really random and hard to track. By Monday night I was convinced that this was it so I got everything ready to go by the door. I decided to go to bed and if it was the real deal it would wake me up and I would go to the hospital. I woke up way more often than I normally do but every time was able to go back to sleep. Today I have been having same cramps but wayyyy more intense and I've been able to track them. Are these contractions??? Or just cramping??? FTM, major planner of everything in life, and I have no idea what is going on or is supposed to be happening! HELP 😭 
Btw, I did call my dr and she said wait it out until contractions are 5 minutes or less for an hour. I've tracked for over an hour and they are consistently 5 minutes or less (I had one between 20 and 21 but forgot to press the start/stop button), I'm just paranoid they're not really contractions or I'm counting them wrong and they'll send me home.