advice please 🤒

Kaia • " Teen Mom ". Having my baby girl in October! Can't wait 😍
So, I'm 17 years old with my first. I'm 19 weeks today. My "boyfriend" is 20, 21 in August. My parents totally hated that we were together in the first place let me add that lol.. Well I'm a junior in highschool and ever since I met my boyfriend he hasn't motivated me to do better. He got me to ditch school and fall very hard behind. Not that all the things we did was HIS fault, but he never helped either. Now, I'm pregnant and in the passed he's lied to me several times with it being as simple
As where he is, who he is with,
Drugs he's done or cheating. I found out at my 13 week ultrasound that I had chlymedia. Now, my boyfriend is the only man I've had sex with. So I know he passed it to me. But, before we dated I had pelvic exams and have been tested for all types of disease. I didn't have anything. So I know he had it before? Or cheated while we were together to have it passed to me. That pushed me away because he also lied about the woman he's had sex with. ( found that out couple weeks ago) I just feel like he's lying to me. Now I can't trust him at all. I always feel like he's lying. We don't hangout ever, it's been almost over a month and I've seen him 4 or 5 times. We're still together but we just don't get along like we used to. Could he be having sex or getting attention from other woman? Am I allowed to be upset about it and question him since he's lied so many times in the past? I want to be with him before the baby comes. I want to be able to fix our relationship but I don't see that happening.