Rant alert MIL

My baby is 5 weeks old now. My MIL was thete when I gave birth. She lives in another state (my mom lives in another country and hasn't had the chance to meet her granddaughter yet). Now my mil is back in her state and wants me to send her pictures every single day, multiple times a day, I kind of understand, but there are other things I have to do. Then, when I send her picture there is always something she doesn't like or whatever. Why is she not wearing clothes (it's hot here....), what is that on her forehead (a small scratch, she probably scratch herself during the night), don't bathe her everyday, send me more pictures...the list goes on and on. My mom on the other hand is so relaxed...I'm seriously about to lose it..I feel like she is judging me and I hate it. Anybody else with that kind of problem? She wasn't like that before I gave birth. Also, I hate when she says "my baby"...call her something else, there are enough cute names out there.