a message to ANTI-feminist.

Mac 🥀 • 🥀 Thought does not equal change. Change equals action. 🥀

Here's legit questions: Why do people assume the majority of modern day feminist are "extreme"? That feminism suddenly has a new meaning due to these people? That equal rights is different from feminism? 

For one, please stop applying women who believe 👩🏽>👱🏼 or do absurd actions to most feminist. Let alone the label "feminist". There are irrationals in every movement. The original Women's Rights movement, Civil Rights movement, Black Lives Matter, especially in America's movement towards independence, etc. That does not however mean the majority of the group are reflections of those people. But due to their extreme actions, those selective few do receive more media/public attention. Why? Because peaceful protesting and reasonable people in a movement aren't as "interesting" as the opposite. Not only that, but I've personally noticed it's easier to make an argument against a movement if you have a couple examples of bad apples, using them to represent the majority. Do not bash/judge an entire movement just because there are *some* who do more harm than good towards it. 

Secondly, why do you constantly put down goals of modern day feminist just because YOU personally do not believe it is important. Numerous amounts of times (on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a>) I've noticed people use the point (along the lines at least) that feminism is no longer significant because the current issues concerning the group hold no purpose/are not "actual issues". I'm perfectly aware everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I'm curious. Do you realize that just because it's not important to you/doesn't benefit you on a personal level does not mean that it's not important to others? That those "not actual issues" do effect lives every day? That people are faced with inequality all the time, despite whether you think it's barely existent anymore? That to others, these "stupid problems" hold meaning? (Just a crazy thought) maybe it is important to some people. Obviously, or else there wouldn't be (modern) feminists in the first place. Don't devalue problems people experience or are concerned about just because in your life, it doesn't effect you. Again, you are free to believe what you choose to, but that does not mean you have to tell others that their "issues" aren't significant. Not only is this disrespectful, but also very insensitive.

Lastly, how come you've convinced yourself that the few irrational feminists change the entire meaning of the movement and definition of feminism? It really doesn't though. Feminism stills means the same thing as it always has, which is equality. Those who claim to be feminists but believe women are "above" men, guess what, they aren't feminists. I'm sorry if you were lead to believe feminism does not mean equality, because that is just very uneducated and not true. Please open a dictionary instead of relying on what you've decided feminism means. That's really not how it works. 

I'm fed up with the misunderstanding about feminism/feminists. So this is my message to correct the false beliefs of (mostly) anti-feminist. I have no intent to offend nor preach about feminism, but instead, inform those who have formed ideas about feminism that aren't true. Again, shall I stress, that you are entitled to your beliefs and I am in no way trying to enforce equality on anyone. Hopefully, instead of turning this into something to be upset about/feeling "attacked", take this post as an opportunity to educate yourself. But if you have answers to any of the questions I've asked in this, I'd be glad to hear.