Pregnancy announcement? when did you announce..

So I am really conflicted. We are currently 7 weeks with our first. We are over the moon excited as it took us a little longer than we had expected to conceive and cannot wait to start our family. Due to close relationships with both of our parents we told them at barely 4 weeks. ( We found out at 3 weeks 4 days) I also told my co-teacher as we are very close and she knew something was off. My mother in law is ecstatic as this will be her first blood grand baby. My husband and I agreed in the beginning that we could tell close family & friends because regardless if something happened, we'd want there support but agreed to keep it off social media until we were 12 weeks. Recently my mother in law has been hounding us to tell people and social media as it's too hard for her to contain it. With that, if we are at family functions were not everyone knows, I am often no longer in conversations as she is scared she will slip. My worry is, is that this is our first and do not know what to expect and although we would be devastated if something happens, we don't want our whole business being out there. Also, I've only had a blood test to confirm as our first doctors appointment isn't until June 19 at almost 10 weeks along.  My question is, am I being to cautious? Should we just announce it as we are so excited to share the news with our friends and family or is this something that I should stick my ground on and wait until 12 weeks or at least the first doctors appintment. All options are appreciated. Sorry for the long post <3