Anyone heard of placenta leaking?


Hi yall,

I am 27 weeks as of tomorrow and yesterday I went to the Dr to have an us. The US tech that works at the hospital is a family friend and did my second anatomy scan bc the first lady put the wrong due date and baby was obviously measuring behind and noone caught the mistake including the dr. Anyways so I got another one. Well during the scan everything looks great the only thing she told us was I have a low lying placenta... not placenta previa... and that she would like to see it come up some. She told us baby looked wonderful and everything is working properly... the only other thing was baby girl wasnt cooperating with showing he face and would only show her face for a short second so she would like to rescan to get a better look ... no problem... then we get into the room for my regular Dr visit and the Dr said everything looked great but she is seeing my placenta is leaking...? I have never heard of this!! What does that mean... She said it so nonchalantly and tbh I drew a complete blank and didn't ask any questions bc I was under the impression everything was fine... can someone explain or if anyone has been through this can you tell me what your outcome of it was... TIA ladies 😙😙