Religion/glow groups/invasion?

Lauren • 3/28/16 & a 28 weeker born 8/3/17

Okay, so I'm going to preface this by saying my intention is truly not to offend or to start a debate on religious beliefs. Anyway, I'm part of the agnostic and atheist group on glow. And fairly regularly I'll see a person (who usually identifies as Christian) come on a post in that group and pretty much argue, bash or otherwise try to negate what the post or a comment is about. Now I know anyone can post on anything, of course, and that people have a right to write whatever they want. But that being said, I don't see the purpose. I sometimes scroll through posts in other religious groups just for fun, but I never comment. I feel like the atheist and agnostic group is one place on here where I can relate and have intellectual conversations that aren't god based. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it, it's just refreshing is all. And I'm sure agnostics and atheists may go on some religion based threads and be rude, but I rarely see that happen. I guess what I'm trying to say is, why can't they respect our right to have a different belief and have a separate group and a teeny part on the internet where we can come together with similar ideas. I know it's the internet so people are going to do whatever they want. Just something to think about before you go and purposely start stuff in groups where you don't necessarily belong. I respect your right to believe in whatever god or faith you choose, please have the same respect for others. Also, just some food for thought, just because you believe a certain way, doesn't make it the only right way to believe/live.

Live and let live people ✌