boyfriend hits me

So I was long distance with my boyfriend for 3 1/2 years and now we have been living together for 6 months. Ever since Iv lived here every time he gets mad he lashed out in anger hitting and chocking me. He used to only hit my body but the last two times ( this week ) he has been punching me in the face and head at his full strength. I didn't want to leave before becuase I love him more then anything he's my everything and now I don't have a job and he's paying my bills and live at his house so I don't have anywhere else to go or family or friends anyway. And now he said I'm not aloud to leave and holds my down, takes my phone when I threaten to call the cops. I love him so much but I'm not happy . Anyone that has gone through any time of mental or emotional abuse please comment . He's abusive both mentally and physically