should I start saving some breastmilk for when Harper comes home?

I've been taking everything I pump up to the hospital. She's still in the nicu, but she has such a large supply up there (the first two rows in the mini fridge are hers lol) that I'm wondering if I should start setting some back for when she comes home. Of course, I'll take the majority up to the hospital. I just hate it because what she doesn't use in 5 days will be tossed and I can store some in my freezer and it be good much longer. I pumped almost 6oz this morning and I'm thinking about saving that one because it's in a bag instead of a bottle and they will heat up the whole thing and waste half of it. She's only taking 30-40ml of breastmilk at a time and then another 30ml of formula. ( 😢) we are gonna try to switch back to breastfeeding today. (At least attempt it) instead of bottle feeding because when she comes home I want to breastfeed.