CVS test, High Risk.

I'm 14 weeks pregnant, and from the moment I found out I have had all sorts of problems, I've suffered with bleeds, both light and heavy, I've suffered cramps, but I can honestly say that the worst was finding out there could be a problem with the precious little bean in my belly, at the 12 week scan we got told that the nuchal fold was 3.6 and the normal was under 3.0, and that combined with my bloods, we were classed as really high risk. I was crushed, I will willingly go through bleeds and cramps, whatever, just to make sure that my bean is healthy and okay. We had to have a CVS test done, as we were 1 in 7 chance of baby having a chromosome problem, I just needed to know what I was dealing with so I could prepare, and for anyone who doesn't know what a CVS test is, it's when they insert a hair thin needle in to your stomach and take a piece of your placenta for testing, it is uncomfortable but not painful. I can't even begin to explain how stressed I was, I googled EVERYDAY, 1 in 7 is so high, but please just bare in mind, whatever your odds, there is always that percentage that your baby is going to be just fine. We got our results back today and we have a healthy little boy. So my advice to any strong lady going through this, is, you got this, I completely get the stress and heart ache but think of your little bubba and try, just try to be positive💜