Read before voting- Pain cycle after failed IUI

Briana • Boy Girl Twins Born July 2018 at 32 Weeks after TTC since June 2015. MFI and APA syndrome. Had 4 IUIs and IVF fresh transfer prior to FET (2 early miscarriages from IUI and fresh transfer)
For the last two cycles I had two failed IUIs... this will make 3 total. They were medicated... cd 3-7 on clomid and then the trigger shot. We took this cycle off for a Consult to discuss our next steps. I am close to the ovulation time and I'm experience a lot of intense pressure and some cramping which I have only felt on the last two <a href="">iui</a> cycles due to the medication. I never had before the IUIs. Wasn't sure if maybe my body needs to adjust to being unmedicated since I had two back to back medicated ones. If it doesn't get better I plan on calling my doctor Monday. So is the pain me readjusting? Strong ovulation pain? Wait and see/call the doctor?

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