Thyroid & IVF Set Backs - help!

So this is the short version, I promise. 
I'll start with the purpose of my post and that is to see if anyone else was born without a thyroid, or is hypo, and is doing <a href="">IVF</a>?
My story: So I responded very well to stims last month, but sometime toward the last couple days they didn't think my estrogen had gone up enough overnight, so they increased my Menopur one night. Sadly that sent my estrogen into overdrive and didn't come back down and I was ultimately told I was at risk for OHSS and I would have to do a frozen transfer vs. fresh. 😔
On May 20th I had 21 retrieved, 17 were mature, 12 fertilized but ultimately only 1 AA blastocyst was cryopreserved. That was anither sad day to know we didn't have any more "backups" to freeze. 
Later that week I had a regular appointment with my Endocrinologist to follow up on labs I had done 3 weeks prior (before starting stims, but after being on the birth control pills for 18 days). It showed my TSH had skyrocketed from normal range in early February (1.07) to 9.96 in early May (4.5 is the high end of the normal range). She decided to re-test to see if it was a fluke, but it was up at 12.86 in late May (and this was following stims).  Admittedly, I had done 5 days of Clomid in late February and 5 days in late March (with progesterone pills that latter month), so maybe that affected my TSH. 
My Endo says the birth control pills don't affect the TSH, but I'm pretty sure in college when I was on BC I had to have a Synthroid dosage change bc of the competing hormones. Anyone have issues with their TSH on any of these meds?
My RE said she won't do the frozen transfer until my TSH is down below 2.5 - another sad day of news. I had a Synthroid dosage change 10 days ago and am retesting on 6/14. My Endo says we won't see a change that soon, but my RE says she's seen it happen before so I'm holding out hope. If it has come down, she'll start me on the estrace and progesterone oil injections for a 7/13 frozen transfer.  I'm concerned that being on BC right now to advance the estrace and progesterone oil will be counter productive to the Synthroid dosage change and it won't have come down much or at all. 
Since I was born without a thyroid and my replacement hormone is all synthetic with the Synthroid, I am curious if anyone with thyroid issues going through assisted fertility had any issues with their TSH on the meds?  Also curious if anyone knows if there is anything natural I can be doing the next 10 days to bring down my TSH?  Or is there really nothing I can do since I have no thyroid gland to naturally try and affect and thus I just need to rely on the Synthroid dosage change? 
Thanks for any input!