what is your unpopular opinion on very controversial things?

Tyra • Fluent in profanity & sarcasm | Aggressively positive♥️

••• Please don't turn this into a post that violates guidelines. Furthermore, SOMEONES BELIEFS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON YOU PERSONNALY OR INVALIDATING YOUR BELEIFS. Many things are a matter of opinion, not fact so let people think what they will •••••

--- Some of my unpopular opinions are: 

1. Idc if you eat meat. The question shouldn't be how can we get everyone to give up bacon it should be how can we make sure that animals are being killed humanely and not in excess. 

2. Politics in America won't change until we the people start holding politicians to a higher standard. Make politicians WORK for your vote, vague promises and half ass plans are not enough

3. Prisoners should get outside time to see their family, better living conditions, the right to vote, and free college or high school classes 

4. God is real to YOU, don't try to force him on anybody else and just because someone believes differently doesn't mean they're not as righteous, moral, etc.

5. Sexuality is on a spectrum & many people aren't as straight as they think

6. Having a uniform doesn't make you inherently right. Y'all really have to start holding these police officers accountable. 

7. It's unacceptable to be ignorant about certain things, there's too much information out there now

8. It should be required for seniors to take a class on finances. The amount of people not knowing how interest, loans, and saving works is ridiculous. 

9. Patriotism in America has gotten deadly. Since when does loving your country mean REFUSING to admit when your country is WRONG. It's peoples insistence to blindly support the military, big corporations, and politicians that has put us on the path we are currently on. 

------ and the list goes on lol. 

------ what are some unpopular opinions on controversial subjects you have??