Some people's children..

Okay so defanitly ranting and wanting to know if I'm out of line or not.. so here's the deal. I live at home with my mom and almost 2 year old daughter, anyways I have an 8 year old little brother here as well & he is so terrible, I feel bad saying it but I hate this child. He still uses sippy cups and a potty chair but refuses to go to the bathroom unless my mom is in there with him. He's constantly screaming and punching both me and my daughter, where he's left marks and blisters on me (never goes that far with my daughter but I litterally have to hold his hands down to stop him) he basically runs the house, whatever he says goes. My mom is basically his servant and wont do anything about it but when I do she says Im evil. Punishing as in making him clean up his messes and telling him I'll put him in time out in his room typical things like that. Lol so I guess let me know what you think?

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