Miscarriage at 8w6days

After 3 years of trying doctors told me    I would never get pregnant at 30 years old I came to terms with it but then after comming off birth control I found out I was pregnant I was so excited but then they found I have a abnormal urterus I had a lage Septem in my uterus that put it in two I was told my chances of miscarriage was really high at 5 weeks I started spotting but there was still a heart beat a good one so doctors did not think anything of it by my next ultrasound the baby's heartbeat dropped but he was still optimistic that everything was still ok but on march Friday the 13 I started gushing out blood I went to the er loosing a lot of blood they said baby was there but no heart beat I was devastated for the next 12 hours I still was gushing out blood by 330 in the morning my baby passed through I lost more then half the blood in my body my heart stopped 5 times I was fighting for my life they were able to stabilize me but I'm left devastated by the events I'm planning on getting my septum removed in hopes that this won't happen again.