my husband changed after our first baby

Is it normal for your husband to change after having the first baby? 
He is such a great father for our 8 month old baby girl, but i feel we're only together because we have her. 
We used to have this spark always. Now he never kisses me goodbye, or hello when he's back home. He just rushes to our daughter. We don't have a lot to talk about and usually falls asleep on the couch in the middle of a movie. 
I try to tell him about my day but most of the time he is not listening. He criticizes me a lot. 
He spends long hours at work and he only calls during the day just to see how our daughter is doing. 
This is killing me, im in a different country where i do not speak its language because i married him and left my life behind. Now i dont have a life anymore and only a couple of friends that i can hardly communicate with. 
Also, i have problems with my MIL because she doesnt bother to ask about my daughtwr and I dont feel she loves herand always   compares her to her other grandchild who is the son of her favorite daughter. 
I just cant handle life like this anymore. When i try to hint about how he has changed and  how we act like we've been married for 30 years he would joke about it and change the subject. 
Don't know what to do :(