My husband didn't cheat but can't keep his hands to himself...

My husband has been faithful that I am aware of and hasn't given me a reason to not believe except the minute my friends walk through the door. I don't have many friends but a couple close ones and there's two that's he's always instantly drawn too. It's to the point that a week after having my son my parents thought my husband was having an affair with my best friend because of how over the top flirty and touchy he was with her WHILE AT DINNER with my parents. It doesn't help that our relationship has been a roller coaster this last year with our son being born, it's not that we've drifted apart but he just doesn't seem to put in the effort anymore unless he wants sex. We've been together for 6 years so it's not like we didn't know each other. And I've definitely talked to him and dealt with the issue everytime it's happened, I'm not the kind of woman to ignore it. But at what point does it start to become cheating? To me if kills me everytime but he's not kissing them or sleeping with them.. but I guess it feels like an emotional cheating? I'm just so fed up with it and it's putting such a strane on our relationship...